Last December I stumbled on a podcast that introduced me to inbound marketing on the blog
Six Pixels of Separation . The podcast was how Marcus Sheridan aka
The Sales Lion, used inbound marketing to increase business for a small pool company. It is such a simple idea, but brilliant. The concept is basically having a two way flow of communication with people online by providing useful information that people are seeking. By doing this, you are able to build trust and loyalty.
So as I was getting ready to start my new job in the marketing department for the hospital I worked at, I started to could we use this for hospital marketing?
So I want to ask you, how are you or would you use inbound marketing in healthcare? How does this change the way we target our consumers?
Mashable's Infographic gives you a better idea of Inbound vs Outbound marketing is:
Check out Mashable's post for the entire infographic
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