Saturday, June 11, 2011

How to Get Your Dream Job

Moving forward in your career is one of those things that can be difficult.  I find that most people are either focusing on making more money or they are afraid of change.  The first one doesn't sound so bad does it? Making more money, how can you go wrong?  The problem is, when you focus on making more money you typically end up in a job you are not happy with.  Sure it's a good end goal but you have to focus on a career that brings out your passion.  Lead by your vision not by money or fear.

If you find yourself looking at job postings and nothing looks right, then keep looking or create your dream position. Ask yourself, what do I do well and how can I bring it to my organization.  An example is: if you are a good communicator, find out if your organization has a leadership program.  If they don't, do they need one?  If you work in the healthcare industry, Lean Six Sigma is being used more and more in hospital's for process improvement.  If you like process improvement, get Lean certified and bring it to your organization and start a process improvement department.